Is Adrenal Fatigue Real?

Hang on! Adrenal fatigue isn't real? Try telling that to my exhausted body! In this article I'm going to explain why adrenal fatigue isn't real and what is going on instead.

Chances are if you've been following me then you've probably already heard me explain what takes place in “adrenal fatigue” and how it isn't really an issue with the adrenals becoming fatigued. But Adrenal dysfunction is indeed a very real condition.

But what about the concept of Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is a term that is used to express a collection of symptoms and is really just a term that helps us communicate a bigger concept, making it easier to grasp. And like “leaky gut,” which is really intestinal permeability, it is an easy way to quickly express to your doctor what you think is happening.

But the problem is that saying adrenal fatigue doesn't always go down well with a doctor who may not have a clue about adrenal dysfunction outside of Cushing's (cortisol excess) or Addison's (primary adrenal insufficiency), which are two ends of the spectrum.

So what's really going on with your adrenal glands and why are you feeling so tired?

The Hypothalamic-Pitutary-Adrenal axis (aka HPA), is the system by which the brain and adrenal glands communicate. The brain signals to the adrenals to secrete hormones and that the brain monitors the amount of hormones in the system. And for our purpose we'll focus on one hormone in particular— cortisol.

Under times of stress the HPA axis is activated and what follows is a symphony of hormones that help your body adapt to the stressor. It begins with the secretion of corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) from the hypothalamus, which signals the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary. ACTH is the signal that causes the adrenal glands to secrete cortisol, which typically continues until the stress has resolved.

But here lies the problem— for many of us, the stress is always present, never gone and well, frankly it can be relentless. That cortisol your adrenals are working so hard to produce should signal to the brain to stop the secretion of adrenal signaling hormones (CRH, ACTH) in what is called negative feedback. Instead, chronic stress results in our adrenal glands secreting more and more cortisol. Overtime, your cells become resistant to cortisol and the negative feedback system becomes ineffective. Without intervention, the HPA axis becomes dysregulated and eventually cortisol drops and is too low, leading to the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. This is what is classically called “Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome.”

What are common symptoms of HPA Dysregulation, Adrenal Dysfunction or Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome?

  • Feeling stressed by every little thing

  • Feeling overwhelmed by day-to-day activities

  • Waking feeling tired

  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

  • Feeling “wired and tired”

  • Low libido

  • Weight gain or inability to lose weight

  • Menstrual irregularities Or PMS

  • Worse peri menopause symptoms

  • Feeling lightheaded when you go from lying down or seated to a standing position

  • Low blood pressure

  • Blood sugar irregularities

  • Anxiety

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Exercise intolerance or difficulty recovering

  • And so much more…

Here are 5 tips I share with my clients to help them care for their adrenals and prevent adrenal dysfunction (they also work well for treating it too).

Eat Regular Meals.

Skipping meals, grabbing quick energy fixes and forgetting to fuel your body creates stress on an already stressed out system. Your body has no way of knowing if there is a famine versus you just got too busy and forgot to eat. Start your day with protein and aim to include it with each meal to keep you feeling full longer and avoiding peaks & dips in blood sugar.

Build Your Stress Toolbox!

Meditation, deep breathing, yoga, pilates, weight lifting, epsom salt soaks, massage, singing out loud, visualization, time with friends, play, walking, reading… the list just keeps going! Stress is always going to be a part of life. It is how you perceive it and what you do about it that determines how it effects you. There are going to be major life events that bring unavoidable stress, but the idea is to make sure you have to tools to handle the day-to-day stressors so when the big one hits you've got some reserve to handle it.


As babies and children we had a good sleep routine so why do we think it’s ok to change that now? Sleep is so crucial to our existence, yet so undervalued. And in some circles, it is even viewed as a burden. Aim for 7-9 hours per night in a completely dark room (no electronics). It's ideal to avoid electronics 1-2 hours before bed. And if you can get those  blue light blocking glasses on a couple hours before bed, even better! I like Blublox. Code PIPPA15 for 15% off.

Avoid refined carbohydrates, sugar..and pretty much all the things you crave when you're tired.

Yes, they will give you a temporary quick fix in energy, but at the expense of your overall well being. Again, we want healthy, happy, stable blood sugar. 

Adrenal Supplements

Once you've got a great foundation of diet and lifestyle therapies, consider bringing in supplements to assist you adrenals and the HPA system in healing.

Nutrients like 5-htp, Aswagandha, B5, vitamin C, B6, L-Theanine and magnesium are beneficial for adrenal function.

Try my PCH

  • B Complex - 1 after breakfast

  • Just Ashwagandha - 1 after lunch and dinner

  • Mood & Sleep - 1 one hour before bed

  • Magnesium Complex

Shop my supplements here

Pippa Campbell