Oestrogen and PEMT gene

Are you struggling with weight gain, brain fog, memory, attention, focus , sleep issues , high cholesterol or fatty liver? ⠀

The PEMT gene is induced by oestrogen. The less oestrogen you have the PEMT gene can’t make the PEMT enzyme so you make less Phosphatidyl Choline. When we are in peri-menopause and especially menopause when oestrogen is low this could cause many problems! But it can also cause problems for regular cycling women as oestrogen fluctuates throughout the month.

Phos. Choline is important for literally every cell in the body. The brain and liver loves it! If it’s low the risk of fatty liver goes up! And it’s crucial to a good functioning methylation cycle (a process that’s involved in every bodily function). ⠀

Choline also makes acetylcholine which is important for muscle movement, autonomic nervous system, memory and focus. ⠀

P Choline also makes VLDL cholesterol which is needed to transport fats and if this is lacking the fat deposits on the liver and other organs (visceral fat). This can cause weight gain but is often seen as belly fat.

P. Choline can also convert to phosphatidyl serine which is used for insomnia and high cortisol. ⠀

So if you are struggling with any of these symptoms maybe you have a genetic variant on your PEMT gene ? ⠀

The PEMT gene is reported in the Methylation report (see Female Health DNA). Methylation relies on key nutrients, vitamins and minerals not just P choline so it’s important to look at the whole picture.
I often see clients with a SNP on this gene who are reporting brain fog, high cholesterol, inability to lose weight and low mood. ⠀