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The Immunity Reset

The perfect place to start your ‘root cause’ health investigations with a targeted test and even more targeted treatments


How are you feeling? How is your family feeling? (partners, children, teens, relatives?)

Are you currently suffering from: brain fog, hair loss, food allergies, reduced ability to fight off colds/flus/viruses, long Covid, rashes and skin issues, digestive discomfort, headaches, hayfever, sinusitis, fatigue, sleep disturbances, autoimmune conditions and more?

If you’ve noticed a recent, or even a longer term, downturn in yours or your family’s health and you’d like to investigate the cause, then please read on.

Or maybe you’re interested in optimal health and supercharging your immunity? Then this is relevant for you too.

We can investigate and treat your families health issues
We can check if your mucosal immune system is healthy

About our Immune System

Our mouth and nose form part of, and are the open windows and gateway to, our mucosal immune system. This front line immune system comprises of our nose, mouth, oesophagus, and the entirety of our gut, and houses our ‘first responders’ - who either fight off, or let invade, a myriad of bugs and pathogens from our body – all day, every day.

Did you know that the mucosal system is home to a huge 70% of our immune system? In fact, our mucosal system deals with more allergens in one single day, then the rest of our systemic immune system deals with during its entire lifetime. Isn’t that incredible?!

Just think about it, everything you eat, drink, chew, suck, inhale, smell and taste. It all needs to be checked and verified by the army of immune cells in our mucosa. It’s where the external environment meets our internal ecosystem, and the first place that we react to foods and toxins.

So it makes sense to check if our mucosal immune system is healthy, right? To see if it’s strong and adept at fighting off viruses, bacteria, allergens and toxins. Or whether it’s struggling and even building antibodies to certain foods and toxins. Because remember, if a pathogen of any sort makes it past our ‘first line of defense’, then we’ll feel it systemically (in the whole body) and can get much more unwell.

Claire Dilliway, Registered Nutritionist

Introducing ‘The Immunity Reset’

A painless, non invasive saliva test, that’s done by you, in the comfort of you home, quickly and simply. What could be easier? Results are ready in as quickly as 4 weeks, and the package includes a 75 minute consultation with PCH Claire. Claire will take you through your individual feedback in detail - helping you to ‘join the dots’ in your health history to date, and giving you bespoke action points to help support your immunity and health going forward.


What’s included

25 antigens are tested for, in order to find out exactly what is affecting your mucosal immune system, to analyse its overall health, and to determine whether you are creating antibodies (via IgA and IgM) to certain markers. You will be able to see:

• the health of your intestinal wall (e.g. leaky gut)

• if you have a greater chance of developing Inflammatory Bowel Disease

• whether you’re intolerant to wheat or gluten (across many different forms)

• if you’re intolerant to a range of foods including: egg, casein and soy

• whether you’re being exposed to mould in a harmful way

• if you have a raised risk or Autoimmune Diseases or not

• whether you’re reacting to toxic heavy metals, including mercury

• the general health of your immune system overall

• and so much more!

Sample Immunity Reset report


The Immunity Reset gives a deep dive into what’s really going on for your front-line immune system: is it healthy? Or is it inflamed and much less effective? And it also provides lots of insight into your general immune system health too, because it includes a wide variety of markers.

The Immunity Reset is the perfect place to start on your ‘root cause’ health investigations. So don’t wait to ‘maybe’ feel better at some point, take the first step to better health NOW, with a targeted test and even more targeted treatments.


Book here and follow our simple next steps

Investment: £699

  1. Order your Immunity Reset Package (test and consultation).

  2. Claire will contact you within 72 hours to confirm the address for sending the saliva kit and she will order this for you.

  3. You will receive the test kit within 5 working days at the latest.

  4. Perform the test, ideally first thing in the morning, by filling a small tube with saliva. Please follow the sample testing instructions that come with the kit.

  5. Send back using the pre-paid UPS (if UK) pick-up or drop-off service. Instructions will be in your test kit. Include the email requisition form pdf.

  6. You will receive a PCH online health questionnaire to please complete 1 week before your pre-booked consultation.

  7. Enjoy your consultation with Claire to receive your results plus: bespoke diet and lifestyle recommendations, a proposed supplement regime, and any next steps.

Please note this is not for:

  • Immuno-suppressed patients

  • Users of asthma inhalers or other drugs that affect saliva