The Link Between Inflammation and Perimenopause Symptoms

If you're above the age of 35 and feel low on energy with increased inflammation, chances are you are in perimenopause. Inflammation can occur because your hormones are rapidly changing and can manifest anywhere in your body and brain and can lead to several issues such as pain, fogginess, puffiness, anxiety, depression, itchy skin, and gut problems. It can also disturb your circadian rhythm, affect your sleep, and harm your microbiome.

As you age, after 35, progesterone starts to decline, which can make you feel more inflamed and less energetic. Inflammation is also worsened due to insulin resistance. Women going through perimenopause are more prone to insulin resistance due to metabolic and hormonal changes.

We don't want to become insulin-resistant. If we do, our body will store fat instead of burning it, which is not what we want, especially when our metabolism is slowing down. However, it doesn't have to be this way. This isn't just about weight; it's also about being able to access the force we require to feel energised. We don't want to store all of our fuel as fat. Instead, we want to be able to use it as needed to feel energetic. Being insulin-sensitive is crucial in this regard. Fortunately, there are natural, safe, and effective methods and supplements available to reduce inflammation.

It's important to consider five key areas of our lives: sleep, movement, diet, mindset, and supplements. By making changes in these areas, we can reduce inflammation, which is crucial during perimenopause. If not addressed, inflammation can become chronic and lead to health problems. One effective approach is to incorporate body-identical progesterone into our routine, along with lifestyle changes and supplements.

Chronic inflammation is a long-term activation of the immune system and it makes everything harder. It's different from acute inflammation, which is short-term and helps to heal a wound or defend us from infection. Chronic inflammation is the root cause of many diseases and impairs immune function. It also stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which is the stress-inducing part of the nervous system. This can have a negative impact on mood and sleep, and can make periods heavier. It can worsen insulin resistance and is a leading factor in menopausal weight gain. It can even impair bowel motility, causing chronic constipation. Chronic inflammation is also known as metabolic inflammation or meta inflammation.

Reducing inflammation is critical to reclaiming our metabolic health in the long term. A great way to get started is by repairing our gut and digestive system. Our gut is the epicentre of our health, because 80% to 90% of our immune system lies in our gastrointestinal tract, as does our ability to produce feel-good hormones like serotonin. We need to support our gut and digestive system in perimenopause by nourishing and strengthening our bodies.

Fasting for 12-14 hours and removing gluten

The quickest way to reduce inflammation in your gastrointestinal tract is through an anti-inflammatory diet and supported fasting. But not too long a fast that your body becomes so stressed out and cortisol increases and progesterone and thyroid hormones reduces.
Gluten is the top food that people are sensitive to.Food sensitivities cause inflammation and may show up as gut issues, brain fog, sore joints and even worse perimenpause symptoms.


Supplementation can further decrease inflammation in the body during a supported fast.

- High-dose turmeric, good pre- and pro-biotics, and the list goes on and on. This is where individualised medicine shines. A new PCH supplement is Curcumin which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

- Magnesium is wonderful for decreasing inflammation and as a precursor to progesterone production in perimenopause. Consider my Magnesium Complex which contains 3 key forms of magnesium needed for optimal health.

- Quercetin, a plant pigment, is brilliant for perimenopausal allergies. In perimenopause, it really can feel like we’re allergic to everything. Vitamin B6 can also be extremely helpful here. Look at taking my B Complex which contains each of the 8 Vitamin B’s that your body needs for all round health, helping particularly with energy levels.

- Selenium is a crucial mineral that plays a vital role in the proper functioning of your body, especially in metabolism and thyros known to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the thyroid gland. This is particularly important during perimenopause when we often observe thyropause (a tired thyroid and slow metabolism) or hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid). Try my Meta-Boost supplement which is a unique natural weight loss & metabolism-boosting formula containing 8 super ingredients - selenium, iodine and B6 included.

- Including Vitamin D3 in your diet is a great idea, especially during perimenopause. A deficiency of Vitamin D3 can lead to a loss of bone density, osteoporosis, and broken bones. Vitamin D deficiency and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) are also known to cause inflammation. Take 1 capsule daily of my D3 Vegan Complex.

- PCH Mood & Sleep - Getting a good night's sleep is essential for regulating our circadian rhythm and boosting the production of serotonin- a feel-good hormone that plays a crucial role in our mood. In addition, it is important to reduce inflammation to restore the adaptability and resilience of our GABA receptors. These receptors are responsible for regulating the excitability of our nerve cells, and when they are not functioning properly, it can lead to anxiety disorders, addiction, headaches, and cognitive impairment.

To read more about anti-inflammatory foods to support weight loss and reduce inflammation take a look at my book Eat Right, Lose Weight.