How To Activate Nuts

What Are The Benefits of Activated Nuts?

Activating nuts helps to break down the naturally occurring anti-nutrients, such as phytates in the nuts. Phytates are plant storage compounds which bind minerals: iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and phosphate, making them less available for absorption.⠀

Soaking nuts also makes them easier to digest. You can either use them soaked in recipes like nut milk or also ‘activate’ them by rehydrating them in an oven or dehydrator. This is usually at a low temperature to preserve the healthy fats in the nuts. ⠀

How to

1. In a large bowl place your nut or seed of choice.⠀

2. Cover with water and 1/2 tsp of salt.⠀

3. Soak for the required number of hours. 8-12 for harder nuts like almonds and 4 hours for cashews. I tend to soak most nuts overnight. ⠀

4. Strain and rinse the nuts. ⠀

5. Spread over a dehydrator rack, or baking tray. I use my large oven trays and line with baking parchment. ⠀

6. Place in oven at 45/50C for 12-24 hours or place in a dehydrator until crispy. I put mine in my warming drawer. ⠀

7. Store in glass jars in the fridge to add to recipes or for munching! ⠀

How to activate nuts